It is, of course, simply unheard of for anybody to be disfellowshipped for this "crime". However, were it possible for that to happen, I do recall at least one person who would have "fitted the bill", as the saying goes!
Bungi Bill
JoinedPosts by Bungi Bill
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
Jehovahs Witnesses and Babylon The Great.Why the Emphasis on the R.C.Church and not on Islam.
by smiddy ini was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
Bungi Bill
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall the WTS singling out just the Catholic Church for criticism; it always seemed like it was "Christendom" in general that they had the daggers out for. In particular, I well remember Crazy Fred having a lot ot say about "The Clergy of Christendom", but not terribly much about only the Catholic Church. Rather, I always understood that it was the Seventh Day Adventist church that had a particular thing about Catholicism. . . according to them, it is the Roman Catholic Church (and it alone) who is the "Whore of Babylon".
Jehovahs Witnesses and Babylon The Great.Why the Emphasis on the R.C.Church and not on Islam.
by smiddy ini was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
Bungi Bill
I don't recall the WTS publications ever saying much about any of the "Eastern" religions - whether Hindu, Muslim, Bhuddist, Bahai, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Confucianism or whatever.
New Announcement At The 2017 - DF'd People To Sit At The Back Of The Hall
by pale.emperor inhas anyone else heard this?
a poster on another thread said it's a new rule brought in at this years convention.. last year they were told to shun even non df people and now this?
a religion cant force someone where to plonk their ass surely?.
Bungi Bill
Sounds like being back at high school, where the bad lads always sat up the back of the classroom, and teacher's pets up the front. (Read #$%# the lot of them!)
The Witneses reckon that they are the only ones going door-to-door!
by Bungi Bill ini just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "the gospel", and offering, to quote "the best news you are ever going to hear".
this was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all jws would have long called it a day.
while these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither jws or lds.
Bungi Bill
Read "We are the only ones who are preaching from from door-to-door, so that proves we, and we only, have The Truth. However, if another group were to begin preaching from door-to-door, they don't have The Truth, so it doesn't count."
(In other words, engagement in the door-to-door ministry is evidence that you have The Truth , but only if it is ourselves that are doing it).
Yes ........ that definitely sounds like the JWs !
1975 and the burning question/s??
by UnshackleTheChains inok. so i'm sitting there at the convention.
the video comes up about 1975 and the fact that the faithful brother in the video maintained his faith in the bible by adhering to the scripture that says:.
'no one knows the day or the hour as to when the lord is coming'.
Bungi Bill
I would put this recent talk on 1975 as half truth propaganda
Finkelstein, I believe you have nailed it with that statement!
The Witneses reckon that they are the only ones going door-to-door!
by Bungi Bill ini just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "the gospel", and offering, to quote "the best news you are ever going to hear".
this was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all jws would have long called it a day.
while these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither jws or lds.
Bungi Bill
It is noteworthy that both these characters were dressed casually. Also, neither resembled the one and only visitation I have ever received from Seventh Day Adventists (back in 1981).
Do You Ever Think Of ALL The Wasted Time Because You Were a JW?
by minimus inthe longer you are out the more you see how a cult steals all your time, resources and energy.
we wasted so much because we were witnesses!
Bungi Bill
So bad that it doesn't even bear thinking about!
The Witneses reckon that they are the only ones going door-to-door!
by Bungi Bill ini just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "the gospel", and offering, to quote "the best news you are ever going to hear".
this was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all jws would have long called it a day.
while these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither jws or lds.
Bungi Bill
I just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "The Gospel", and offering, to quote "The best news you are ever going to hear". This was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all JWs would have long called it a day.
While these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither JWs or LDS.
By contrast, since moving into my current address eight months ago, we have had one only visit from the JWs - this in a district of just 20,000 people, but which has no less then three congregations of Jehovahs Witnesses!
When everything else fails, the JWs like to point to the door-to-door "Preaching Work" as evidence that they - and only they - have "The Truth". Well look out fellas. Around here at least, somebody might be stealing your thunder!
Bungi Bill
MA (Hons) in Stupidity